GTG LOGO Gear To Go Tandems
1 Dahinda Rd
Saranac Lake, NY 12983
New York State's Largest Tandem Bicycle Shop

The 2025 Tandem Vacations

Come take a tandem vacation with Rich and Lindy, riding through tandem friendly country side. Our tours are created with tandem riding in mind, combining beautiful views, the best roads and routes, and interesting sights along the way. These tandem vacations include hotels; detailed routes, cue sheets, and maps; and baggage transfer. Share ride highlights and laugh with the other tandem riders at our numerous group get-togethers/Happy Hours and group dinners. Catch up with your tandem friends or make new friends in these welcoming tandem tours.

Anyone who has done ten tours with us will receive a 5% discount on any future tours.

Who We Are
Why Ride a Tandem
Directions to Gear-To-Go Tandems
Tandem Tours
Saranac Lake Area Ride Cue Sheets
Saranac Lake Tandem Rally
What's New at Gear-To-Go
Tech Tips and FAQ
Parts and Accessories
Test Rides Tandem Test Rides
Older Tandem Specs
Older Tandem Dimensions
Japan Adventures
Links to Other Resources
Pictures of Tandems
Tandem Ride Stories
Click for Saranac Lake, New York Forecast

The 2025 French Canada Tour

Sunday July 20th through Monday July 28th

Join us for a weeklong tandem tour in French Canada, with its spectacular people, foods, and traditions. Ride your tandem in Montreregie and the Eastern Townships, south and east of Montreal. Enjoy the cultural and architectural heritage, riding through hamlets and villages considered the most beautiful in Quebec.

This is a fun tour with lots to see and tandem friendly rides. Mostly flat to rolling riding on quiet country roads. Tour old forts, visit cideries and ride past apple orchards. Visit a duck farm. Walk around lovely villages. Come on north and enjoy. Bon Voyage!

The tour package includes:
Eight (8) days of Quebec hospitality
Seven (7) days of riding
Eight (8) nights lodging
Six (6) dinners
Four (4) breakfasts
Five (5) afternoon 'Happy Hour' get-togethers
Maps and cue sheets
Baggage transfers

The tour will be limited to nine (9) couples on tandems.

Total cost per Couple is $4500

More Information on the French Canada Tandem Tour

bike sculpture
Bicycle friendly Sutton

Registration and Waiver forms

The 2025 Thousand Islands Tour

Saturday August 16th through Sunday August 24th

Explore the 1000 Islands region of upper New York and Canada. Experience the beautiful river and rolling countryside, learning why this area became the millionaire's playground in the 1800's. Take in the spectacular views of the 1000 Islands aboard a cruise, seeing romantic castles, villas, and awesome landscape. Discover the British and American history that awaits you around every corner. Delight in the Canadian hospitality and the American resort ambiance. Taste the great foods of two countries. Explore historic villages and wonderful coastal by-ways.

The tour package includes:
Seven (7) days of riding
Eight (8) nights lodging
Five (5) dinners
Five (5) afternoon 'Happy Hour' get-togethers
Ferry Tolls
Maps and cue sheets
Baggage transfers

The tour will be limited to nine (9) couples on tandems.

Total cost per Couple is $4650

More Information on the Thousand Islands Tandem Tour

Fort Henry
Fort Henry

Registration and Waiver forms

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