Info from Santana:
The Proper Method - Bill McCready
700c vs. 26": Testing Reveals Best Choice for You - by Bill McCready
Cheap tandems.... Why pay more? - Bill McCready
Female Captains? - by Bill McCready
Fillet brazing vs. TIG Welding - Bill McCready
Wheels and Hubs - by Bill McCready
16-Spoke Shimano Wheels - by Bill McCready Timing Chain Warning! - by Bill McCready
How To: Emergency Stop! - by Bill McCready
Frame Materials - by Bill McCready
Formula Disc Brake Manual
Santana S&S Coupled Tandem: How to pack into case
Riding with Children:
Child Stoker Tutorial - author unknown
Triplets and children - by Bill McCready
Miscellaneous Fun Info:
Daisy Bell! - by Harry Dacre
Christmas in Dover - A True Tandem Story
Tandem Nomenclature - by Bill McCready
Can you name 130 Brands of Tandem? - by Bill McCready
Metallurgy for Cyclists The Basics - by Scott Nicol
Miscellaneous Tips:
Tamer Pivot Plus Instructions
Tamer Post Centrik and Weekender Instructions - by Rich Shapiro
Aheadset Adjustment - by Rich Shapiro
Packing Your S&S Santana - by Rich Shapiro
Chain Care and Chain Suck - by Larry Leveen
Tech Tips from 
Torque specifications
Shift Levers
Rear Derailleur Adjustment
How do I adjust the front derailleur?
Chain removal and installation
Fixing a Tight or Stiff Link in the Chain
Shimano Cartridge Bottom Bracket Removal and Installation
Removal and Installation of Pedals
Removing Rear Cogs
Overhaul of Shimano SPD Pedals
Servicing Threadless Headset
Removal and Installing Crankarms- SQUARE TYPE
Removal and Installing Crankarms- Oversized Pipe Billett Spindle type
Creaking crankarms and noisy drivetrain
How do I remove wheels and fix a flat tire
How Do I Work on my Linear Pull Brakes?
How Do I Work on my Avid Disk Brakes?
Complete Index of Park Tools Articles |